Mike and I started watching Chuck from a referral from a friend.  We enjoyed Chuck a lot.  Maybe too much.  I may or may not have had withdrawals.

It became the show that the kids would tell us in the morning that we were too loud when we watched it and they couldn’t sleep because we were laughing so loud.  Ahhhhhh one day we’ll be able to share in the laughter.  Just not now.

If you have seen Chuck you’ll know that the main character works at a Buy More.  Or what we know of as Best Buy.  Chuck works for the Nerd Herd or what we know of as the Geek Squad.  Chuck also works as a undercover agent for the CIA.

We walked into Best Buy today to purchase a new laptop (ours has had a nice slow death).  As we were pulling into the parking lot I asked my husband, “Do you think there’s an underground CIA bunker in this Best Buy?”  Mike chuckled.  When he chuckles I know I’ve said something funny.

Grant it this is a total dumb thing to think about, but I do, and it’s funny.  TV always seems more exciting then real life, and when I feel like I’m a little bit close to TV, I’ll probably play a silly conspiracy theorist.  But not the serious kind….
