Right before we sold our house in Seattle, Mike and I were unsure of where we were going to be living. I had been talking to him about how I’d like to get into photography, because maybe we were going to be in the motorhome. Maybe we were going to be in a new state, and I wanted to learn to take good pictures of the kids, so that I could document each unique adventure. We ended up placing a big order one night at Amazon and he agreed to buy me a nice camera that day.
When it came, I started playing with it. I started practicing. My friend came over and showed me the ropes. I found a book at the library bookstore. I wanted to learn how to use it. I’d grab it each time I left the house to go to the park, the museum and riding bikes at the school. When we moved to Missouri, it got taken around the new farm. We got pictures on hay bales, through rear view mirrors, pretty skies, trees and a bunch of wildlife.
Then The Accident.
We took a trip up to New England for Thanksgiving and while we were packing, I packed the camera. I thought that I would use it.
But each time I held it up to my eye to take a picture, I cried. I didn’t have all of my models. I had grabbed it a few times when we hopped around DC, but I told Mike one evening going to bed, that I wasn’t going to bring it with me again. I was just carrying an object and I wasn’t using it. So, we walked through the Archives and with each experience on the rest of that trip, I told the kids, “Remember this. Remember seeing the Declaration and The Magna Carta. I’m not taking pictures, so you will need to seal this in your own memory.”
We got home from the trip and I put it away in The Closet (I don’t like to go into this closet) and I closed the door.
Josiah pulled it out last year when he wanted to learn how to use a camera from some online lessons he was participating in, and Josiah learned how to do a few things, but it got put back in The Closet.
Yesterday, Mike asked if the kids and I wanted to join him in Kansas City this morning, so I planned stuff that the kids and I could do while we waited for Mike in his meeting. Last night before I fell asleep, I thought, “Maybe I should grab that camera.”
I woke up this morning and I grabbed the camera.
It wasn’t a big deal, or maybe it was.
The kids and I spent the morning at a Farmstead in Kansas. These are a few moments that I grabbed. #Jesusisenough #TillweareHome

oh…such a big deal. Love how they’ve grown and how God is healing-we can’t do it without him!
Thank you for sharing Michelle. Precious pictures of your kiddos.