The Camera
Right before we sold our house in Seattle, Mike and I were unsure of where we were going to be living. I had been talking to him about how I'd like to get into photography, because maybe we were going to be in the…
Right before we sold our house in Seattle, Mike and I were unsure of where we were going to be living. I had been talking to him about how I'd like to get into photography, because maybe we were going to be in the…
Every kid has some sort of lovey. Something they can't let go of. Even as adults, we probably have something hidden up in a closet that we held on to when we were little. That comforting stuffed animal or favorite blanket that…
You read the title right. It's not a mistake. I wrote that. There is a reason. You just gotta bear with me. I think you can... I grew up in Christian home. My parents are Christians. Both sets of grandparents are Christians. Jesus…
My husband, Mike, is genuine. One of the reasons I fell in love with him, was his honesty in our conversations about his life before Jesus saved him and then his honesty in real life struggles. He pushes me for honesty each day and…
Jesus said that all we need is faith as big as a mustard seed. I'm grateful for that. Mustard seeds are small and so is my faith. It may appear bigger than a mustard seed, but I assure you that it isn't. It is…
This past week, a very dear friend sent me a lamp of an orange turtle. We love it. Once we opened it up and got a light in it, we talked about the video of Boston playing with the turtle that we had caught…
Boston, our youngest, loved monster trucks. Loved them. When he was two he had started to playing with the couple of monster trucks that we had lingering around the house from his older brother. My husband started to show him videos on You Tube…