No automatic alt text available.Boston, our youngest, loved monster trucks.  Loved them.  When he was two he had started to playing with the couple of monster trucks that we had lingering around the house from his older brother.  My husband started to show him videos on You Tube of monster jams, and the kid quickly became addicted.  He was feeling poorly on afternoon and he sat and watched monster truck races and tricks all afternoon.  The next morning he was still feeling yucky and when monster truck videos wouldn’t suffice, we ended up taking him to the ER and finding out he had appendicitis.  During the recovery my husband and I took turns with him at the hospital and watching monster truck videos over and over and over again.

We began collecting monster trucks.  We began attending Monster Jams when they came to town and local ones at fairs in the spring and summer.  The whole family got involved.  We would walk the aisles of Target and Wal-Mart looking for the monster trucks that he didn’t already have to add to his collection.  Meanwhile, Boston became a lover of the Avengers and other superheros, so we started meshing the two loves together.

I love little boys. Especially three and four years old. It’s the age when little boys are so sweet.  They love their mamas.  The love to play in the dirt and start making noises when they are playing with cars or guns.  They love little animals, such as frogs, turtles, snakes, lizards.  They wanna get dirty and they still love snuggles and kisses.  Their sense of humor is forming and silliness doesn’t bother them at all.  I love little boys.

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After The Accident, Boston went Home, but he still lingers here.  His stuff is here.  His monster trucks are packed up and his Avenger masks are on a shelf in our son’s room.  His t-shirts are made into a comfy blanket and his pictures hang on the walls of our home. He is missed and he is loved so dearly and fiercely.

Our oldest daughter has two monster trucks in her room that she took off of our headboard, and she plays with them with her Shopkins.  They are the protectors are her Shopkins in her game.  I guess no one can come in until Grave Digger and Crushstation approves their entrance.

When I became a mom I didn’t know that monster trucks were going to hold such a special place in my heart forever, but they do. We like monster trucks, but they are also hard to see, but I remember so clearly Boston’s face during his first monster truck race.  Sweet and hopeful and excited.

Boston is Home.  Boston may be seeing monster trucks and playing with them on a regular basis.  He is in no pain. He has no fear. He has no struggle, but here we do.  The ones continuing to walk the Earth who love him so much.  It’s okay.  It’s life and it is what God in is sovereignty ordained for us to be part of our story long before time began.

This part of our story, makes me crave the bigger Story.  The Story of God’s redemptive plan and I am so grateful that the hope in our hearts are not of this world, but rather of the One who saved it and died for it and conquered death.  I continue to hold 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 in my heart.  It is a balm to my soul and it is the verse that I constantly open to and read when I am struggling with despair and my heart hurts too badly to get out of bed.  I must be reminded of the tension and the Hope of these verses.

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

My heart rejoices for eternity and what Jesus has done for us, because He is remarkably good in the midst of our suffering. Till then #Jesusisenough #TillweareHome


When Monster Trucks Change Your Life