A few weeks ago I had the privilege of going out with two other moms who have sweet little girls with Down Syndrome.  They’re a little bit new to the game, so even though they are older then me, I’m the “elder” (which is just weird).

As we were talking, friendships came up.  There have been a few failed friendships for me in the midst of grief, and I think that a lot of times I’ve held on to those couple of friendships that didn’t work out and I’ve thrown friends and folks under the bus too quickly.  I hate conflict with a capital H-A-T-E, and I tend to not stick around if it’s too much work.  But the thing that got me thinking when I got home was we have some amazing friends who stood by us through the thick and grossness of it all and I haven’t forgotten them, but I haven’t said THANK YOU in a big way.

These folks know who they are.  This is what they did.  I count it Jesus’ amazing grace that these folks have stuck around for as long as they have.

-They took care of our kids at ungodly hours because of medical emergencies.

-They dropped everything to come and take care of our kids.

-They came to the hospital one at a time to meet our children when they were too little to leave the hospital.

-They prayed.  Without ceasing. They prayed a lot.

-They took care of our children for multiple doctor appointments for another child.

-They brought us food and drink.

-They listened to us vent.

-They let us lean on them. Heavily.

-They comforted us.

-They were quiet when no words sufficed.

-They cried with us.

-They helped us with remodels in a pinch.

-They were patient with our weirdness in navigating a new life.

It’s things like this, Jesus’ love in action and His grace, that I don’t always recognize till after the fact, and it this case I’m waaaaaaaaayyyy after the fact.  But as I was driving home that night and after I got home I was telling Mike, “Our friends really did a lot for us.”  And they really really did.

For a long time I was HUNG UP on how people had hurt me worse during our really tough times, and through it all grace by others was being weaved in and through our story and I think that I had taken advantage and not giving credit where it was due.  I also think, though, that when grief is so heavy, things are easier to notice in retrospect.

“Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.”  Galatians 6:2  We had that.  I’m grateful.  Really grateful.

I hope that we can be that for others too.  The Body.  Helping one another out.




Great People