Ten Most Amazing Things:

1. We found out that I was pregnant with Josiah while we were visiting the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon wasn’t quite so grand after that. We walked around in a crazy excited state. We need to go back to experience the depthness and amazingness of the Grand Canyon with the kids one day.

2. Josiah Isaac showed up on February 11, 2004.

3. Tullie Rose showed up on June 13, 2005.

4. Eli Preston showed up on April 25, 2006.

5. Ellison Reese showed up on April 10, 2007.

6. We have had a few tight spots financially over the years. Tighter then usual. But each time Jesus provided. He provided for us financially, physically, spiritually and in our marriage.

7. We moved to Seattle, sight unseen (well, it was sort of seen, because we drove through and spent a little bit of time here on our honeymoon) to go to Mars Hill Church. Jesus has used Mars Hill drop some misconceptions that we had theologically. He’s used Mars Hill to provide friendships and community in the times of our deepest need. Jesus has used Mars Hill to bring us closer to Him, with one another and our children. We have been beyond blessed to be a part of this community and to watch and participate in it’s amazing growth in the last ten years.

8. Jesus has used tragedy and life experiences of the last ten years to become seriously broken hearted. To humble us in front of Him. To lean into Him when we were wasting away and trying to walk on our own. His glory has been displayed through tragedy and we continue to see that in a new way frequently. Jesus is good. He has taken care of us, and will continue to do so.

9. We have NO Land Cruisers on our property at the moment.  Seriously, THIS is amazing. (I stand corrected.  I thought we had one or two out there.)

10. We are not the same two people that got married ten years ago. We’re different. We’ve stretched. We’re better. It’s all simply by God’s grace and mercy. Every survival. Every thing learned, is simply Jesus. We did nothing, except ask for Him to help us. That is amazing. Jesus. He has carried us through.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dena

    I enjoy reading your posts 🙂 I noticed that your Josiah (have to specify since I have a Josiah :)) and my Judah share the same birthday! Also, seeing your children’s birthdays….my goodness..they are all very close in age….and 1 a year for 4 years in a row! What blessings!

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Most Amazing