Nine years ago at 4:30 AM on June 13, 2005, we had a little girl.  She was a 31 week preemie.  She was crying when she came.  She was 3 lbs 11 oz.  She was itty bitty.  She was a sweet, itty bitty little bundle.

Mike went up with her to the NICU.  We knew that she’d be there for awhile.

As I was recovering, Mike came back into my room.  He had been crying.  This is rare. His eyes were red and puffy.  He asked the nurse to leave.  He took my hand.  He said, “The nurses.  The nurses.  They suspect that Tullie has Down Syndrome.  They can see it.  In her features.  Her eyes.  Her toes.  Her nose.  They see it.”

Shock over took us.  We were overwhelmed.  Jesus was on His throne.  He was reigning. He knew before time began, that Tullie would be ours.

I went up to see her.  In her isolette.  She was teeny.  She was sweet.  She was beautiful.  Those first moments when we could gaze on her and love her and touch her were sweet.  She was ours.  She was our daughter.  To love.  To protect.  To cherish.  Like our son and our other children after her.  She was ours.  That was enough.  That was enough to love her.

That day. Ours hearts.  Our hearts got more tender.  Our hearts fell in love.  Our hearts were broken.  Our hearts knew that Jesus was on the throne.  He had our girl in His hands.  She is His.  He knows the number of her days, and tomorrow she will reach 3,285 (give or take a couple, because of leap year) and counting.

She is a joy.  She was kind.  She is tender.  She is loving.  She stretches us.  She shows us all grace.  She is what we needed.  Jesus knew that.  She is perfect for us.

Tullie, happy birthday!  Happy! Happy! Happy! Birthday!  We love you so much!  We’re so grateful for you!


New Unexpected Life