
April has come and gone.  I'm quite thankful.  I will say, however, that it was the best April in a long time. Let me explain... For the last several years, once the calendar would turn from March 31 to April 1, anxiety would start…

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Fact, Faith and Experience

Fact, Faith, and Experience were walking along the top of a wall.  Fact walked steadily on, turning neither to right nor left and never looking behind.  Faith followed, and all went well so long as he kept his eyes focused upon Fact; but as…

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Beauty Will Rise

A couple of years ago, Steven Curtis Chapman, a Christian singer, lost his youngest daughter to an accident in their driveway. His son was driving the car and didn't see her and accidentally struck her. She passed away later on that day. The whole…


Relationships and Pain

I've been mulling this over for quite some time, so I apologize if it doesn't come out right or make sense. Frankly, I'm not sure if it make sense in my own head and it may only make sense to a few folks. So,…


My Favorite Boy

My favorite boy.  My first born.  My funny boy.  My gentle boy.  My tough-guy boy.  My smart boy.  That is my Josiah.  We had been trying to get pregnant for a  year.  We found out that I was pregnant at the Grand Canyon.  Suddenly,…


Many, Many Tears…

Several years ago a dear friend of mine, who I know prayed for us very very often in the midst of our grief, met up with us in church one Sunday.  We had just walked into the building and she said that she had…

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