This is BIG!

As many of you know, I was picked up by a publisher last fall. I did a Kickstarter at the beginning of the year to raise funds to get my book off the ground and with those funds I have been plugging away at…


Six Kids

We had about 30 minutes before we had to be somewhere last week, so the kids and I went to the park. While Ellison was playing on the monkey bars, she hollered over to me, "Hey Mom! You know the baby that you miscarried?…


A Boy and His Wild Turtle

This past week, a very dear friend sent me a lamp of an orange turtle.  We love it.  Once we opened it up and got a light in it, we talked about the video of Boston playing with the turtle that we had caught…

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Thy Will Be Done

About 6 years ago, I was pregnant with our youngest, Boston.  I was cooking dinner one night and our oldest, Josiah, who was 7 at the time, was coloring at the kitchen table. I was off in my own little world, focused on what…

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A Year and a Month and Continuing to Move…

It's been a year and a month.  Since the accident. In the last year and a month, we have, in no particular order: bought 27 acres, traveled to the Northeast and along the eastern seaboard and Christmas last year on the Gulf Coast, we…

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