I have not kept it a secret that I struggle with praying. For a long time, I struggled to even pray to ask God for anything, because I felt like when I had at the most important times he was silent and the request didn’t turn out as I hoped. But prayer isn’t all about God answering our requests. He loves us, yes, and he wants us to ask him for guidance, help, wisdom, peace, health, and safety for us and our loved ones, prayer is also about groaning and lamenting. Rejoicing and praising. Being thankful in the hard and also when blessings are abounding.
Several of my friends have had a hard year. Even more, friends have had a decade full of struggles and pain. As we enter into a new year and a new decade this is my prayer as we wake up and face each day. Whatever happens in the next 365 days or the next 3,650 days that our Savior fills us with hope and grace.
I pray that we will be reminded of our Lord’s grace to us each day. (Ephesians 1:8)
I pray that we will be reminded that we serve a Savior who understands and is in our sufferings with us. (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 4:15)
I pray that we will be reminded of our Savior’s never-ending love for his children even on the days we find it hard to get out of bed and move. (Psalm 40:11)
I pray that in the tears of the next year we will be reminded that we are not alone. We are not stranded with confusion, because our Lord is with us and he hears our cries when our pillows are wet. (Psalm 6)
I pray that anything that comes our way we will not fear, for our Savior is with us. He holds us. He cares for us. He has given us his kingdom. (Luke 12:32)
I pray that when we don’t have words we will groan because we know that the Holy Spirit will intercede for us as will the Son. (Romans 8:26 and 34)
I pray that we will always find our Lord infinitely good despite our circumstances because he is. He is infinitely good and profoundly full of grace despite our circumstances and our feelings. (Psalm 23)
I pray that we will continually rejoice in who our Lord is. His salvation. His grace. His mercy. His perfect life and his abiding love for us. (Phillippians 4:4-8)
I pray that we will be reminded that THIS is the Lord’s day. He created it and whatever happens within these 365 days he created them and nothing has happened outside of his hand. (Psalm 118:24)
I pray that we will be reminded that we and all people are created in his image. We are his children. He died for each of us for our sin is no less than our neighbors. (John 3:16-17)
I pray that we will learn to love, show justice, walk humbly and love mercy. I pray that we will put others before ourselves. (Micah 6:8)
I pray we will remember that we have been justified through faith. We have been given grace and can rejoice in the hope that he has given us through his Son. (Romans 5:1-5)
I pray that we will continually remember that one great day you will wipe away all of our tears will be wiped away. We were not made for this earth. We were made to be Home, with our Lord. (Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 21:4)
I pray that till that Day we will have hope and rejoice in who he is.
#Jesusisenough #TillweareHome